March 15, 2025: Early Bird Registration Deadline for $40 off (automatically applied at checkout)
May 1, 2025: Registration Deadline
PLEASE NOTE: Children under the age of 12 will have to be accompanied by an adult at all times.
*Registration is subject to availablity
Twinkle Program
- Tuition: $385
- The twinkle program is for viola students ages 3-6 who will still be learning the twinkle variations at the time of ISSI.
- If you are sure your child will be beyond the Twinkles at the time of ISSI, please register for the Lower Book Program. Consult with your home teacher.
- Classes will be held consecutively in the 9:00am-12:00pm AM or 2:00pm-5:00pm PM block.
- This program includes THREE daily classes –
- Twinkle masterclass
- Twinkle group class
- Twinkle Music & Movement (singing, movement, pitch awareness, coordination activities) taught by Emilie Lundberg.
Lower Book Program (Books 1-2)
- Tuition: $660
- The Lower Book program is for viola students in Suzuki books 1-2.
- You may add optional enrichment classes for $85 each. See enrichment section for listings. Your schedule has room for two additional enrichment classes.
- This program includes FOUR daily classes –
- Masterclass: students should prepare and memorize a solo performance piece.
- Technique class: no prior preparation is needed for this class.
- Performance class: students will perform with their Performance Class on the Lower Book Concert on Friday at 12:45pm. Scroll down to view your performance class piece – violists should have pieces at your level memorized and prepared prior to ISSI. Start learning your pieces NOW!
- Core enrichment: students are assigned this class based on student age.
- Viola Books 1-3 Suzuki Performance Pieces
Twinkles (D Major)
Lightly Row
Bohemian Folk Song
The Happy Farmer
The Two Grenadiers
Gavotte in G Minor
*Performance pieces are subject to change based on enrollment*
Upper Book Program (Books 3-5)
- Tuition: $730
- The Upper Book program is for viola students in Suzuki books 3-5.
- You may add an optional enrichment class for $85 each. See enrichment section for listings. Your schedule has room for one additional enrichment class.
- This program includes FIVE daily classes –
- Masterclass: students should prepare and memorize a solo performance piece.
- Performance class: scroll down to view your performance class piece – violists should have pieces at your level memorized and prepared prior to ISSI. Start learning your pieces NOW!
- BOOK 3 STUDENTS will perform with their Performance Class on the Lower Book Concert on Friday at 12:45pm.
- Book 4-6 students will perform with their Performance Class on the Upper Book Concert on Saturday at 11:00am.
- Chamber Ensemble: chamber music will be emailed to families by May 15, and students need to have their assigned part learned, but not memorized prior to ISSI.
- Orchestra: orchestra music is passed out during the first rehearsal.
- Core enrichment class: students are assigned this class.
- Viola Books 1-3 Suzuki Performance Pieces
Twinkles (D Major)
Lightly Row
Bohemian Folk Song
The Happy Farmer
The Two Grenadiers
Gavotte in G Minor
*Performance pieces are subject to change based on enrollment*
**Please learn & memorize the pieces listed below for your performance class. The link below will take you to the sheet music page – you have received the password to this page in your initial email confirmation of registration.**
Q4/5 – Viola Books 4-5 – Sarah Smale
Telemann Viola Concerto in G Major, 4th movement (from Suzuki Book 4)
Siciliano arr. by Michael McLean (duet, 2 parts) – music will be emailed (was transcribed for Sarah Smale)
Young Artist Program (Book 6 & above)
- Tuition: $845
- The Young Artist Program is for viola students in Suzuki books 6 through the concerto level. Most participants are junior high school and high school students; however, all ages are welcome to participate.
- NEW! To help students prepare for their YAP Performance Class, preparation videos are due May 1. If students don’t submit a video, they won’t be assigned a chamber group and will receive an enrichment course instead of a chamber music course.
- Click here for the link to submit your preparation videos (DUE May 1, 2025)! (Videos should show your progress with the music. Music does not have to be memorized for the preparation video, but needs to be memorized by the start of ISSI)
- The ISSI Young Artist Program is not a traditional Suzuki program; therefore, traditional students who meet the playing level requirements are a great fit for this program.
- You may add an optional enrichment class for $85 each. See enrichment section for listings. Your schedule has room for one additional enrichment class.
- This program includes FIVE daily classes –
- Masterclass: students should prepare and memorize a solo performance piece.
- Performance class: scroll down to view your performance class piece – violists should have pieces at your level memorized and prepared prior to ISSI. Start learning your pieces NOW! YAP Performance Classes will perform on the Friday concert at 5:15pm.
- Chamber Ensemble: chamber music will be emailed to families by May 15, and students need to have their assigned part learned, but not memorized prior to ISSI.
- Orchestra: orchestra music is passed out during the first rehearsal. YAP Orchestras will perform on the Friday concert at 5:15pm
- Technique Class: no prior preparation is needed for this class.
**Please learn & memorize the pieces listed below for your performance class. The link below will take you to the sheet music page – you have received the password to this page in your initial email confirmation of registration.**
Q6 – Viola Book 6 and above – Rebecca Albers
Haydn Divertimento (transcribed by Piatigorsky)
Dimitrescu Romanian Peasant Dance, arr. by R. Vidas and B. Barber (Solos for Young Violists Volume 3 – Barbara Barber)
Chamber Days Program (Book 6 & above)
- Tuition: $995
- Chamber Days is for Young Artist Program students who would like an additionally rigorous chamber music program.
- Please visit the Chamber Days page for more information.
Click here for the link to submit your preparation videos (DUE May 1) *See Young Artist Program details